Friday, June 1, 2007

• project updates...

Calling all Ayllu members to join us on a beautiful dreaming of our own sacred community drum...

From within our Ayllu Visioning Meeting that happened in Kamloops last Winter (2007)... a vision was put forth of a dream of creating our own Ayllu Community Drum... A drum that would be of service to the healing of our blessed earth mother, Pachamama and our Ayllu Community in the Kamloops sacred valley and outer area(s)...

The time has come to dream this sacred drum into being... the creation has already begun and been in process with a small commited group of our Ayllu...

If the spirit of the drum calls you, we welcome all Ayllu members to join us...

OUR AYLLU SACRED DRUM GATHERING: We are meeting together September (4) 5, 6, and 7, 2008 in Sorrento, BC (@ Sorrento Centre) to help us complete/create this special ayllu drum (sacred ceremony will be included in this weekend)... Please contact Michelle Morris by email as soon as you can if you would like to attend.

Please see our weekend agenda here on the post above and specifics for registering and lodgining/meals, etc... We welcome all ayllu members even you don't how to build a drum - we will learn together as ayllu!
-The cut-off date for booking meals/lodging with Sorrento Centre is Friday, August 29th.

we call all... artists... musicians... crafters... woodworkers... fabric artists... holders of space... as this project will require ALL of our talents and skills TOGETHER!... we welcome all those who will want to help and be a part in any way with all aspects of the creation of this special drum... i.e.: the sanding and finishing of the frame, the pulling of the hides... the creation of the drum sticks - including possible adornment of feathers, beadwork or?... the building and finishing of a drum stand... the sewing of a protective cover... etc... We also welcome donations towards the cost of this project...

There is much dreaming and planning to be done now as we meet to build, construct and create...

This sacred drum is becoming OUR Ayllu Community Drum in this moment... and we hope you will join us... we can't do this without you!

with much munay,
light and love... weaver (((o)))


Please come back to this post page for updates
and the "wish list" of what's happening next...

• 01/01/10: During the late Fall 2009, a new project has been began that involves our dear windwalker... the Kamloops Ayllu has engaged a 1000 day drumming project where they have committed to "drumming and sounding" windwalker each and every day for 1000 days. More info and updates will be posted soon re this project...

• 09/07/08: The Ayllu gathers in Sorrento to complete windwalker over the weekend... and what a complete magical weekend it was... After she was completed, on the morning of the 7th, we dedicated her in ceremony - we are now in service together!!!

• 07/01/08: Dates have been set for September 5, 6, and 7, 2008... please see the post above called "windwalker has awoken" for more information and a draft outline for the weekend...

• 06/01/07: Donations are being accepted towards this project... major part of cost for this project will be obtaining the hides (2), which we estimate could cost from $800.00 to $1,400.00 or more... if you would like to contribute, please email weaver at or contact Pamela Jensen in Kamloops... or through paypal up on the left sidebar - thank you for your support to this special project...

• 07/16/07: Journey to Read Island previous wknd... Sitka Spruce (blown down) Drum frame found!... and has been brought back to Kamloops... it is now being cored, drying out and residing at Rick & Ann Wallin's... we invite ayllu members to visit the frame to continue prayers and dreamings to ask our drum "what's next?"... feel free to give them a call or attend the next sacred fire ceremony to participate... contact info/dates for next fire ceremony is posted at about this sacred journey above...
• 07/29/07: Fire/Drum Ceremony Gathering... which included group ayllu prayers for windwalker... info posted above...

• 09/25/07: Date change for Sacred Drum Creation Ayllu Gathering... to give our drum sufficient time to dry, we've changed the date of our gathering to SPRING 2008 to be held in Sorrento, BC - Check back here for exact dates...

We plan to soak the hides in Shuswap Lake in partnership with the Lake Deva... more details about this weekend to follow.