Continued... part three...
it hadn't really sunk in right away that we had finally reached the property, when Ann first pointed out the first tree...
when we all stopped and stood with the fallen tree - we became quiet for a bit... my first thought was wow, this is truly one big tree... and it has been down on the ground for quite some time... you couldn't see bark anywhere as there was so much growth all around with much thick moss and ferns... i wasn't kidding when i said in the last post, that fairies and little folk had maybe moved in for sure... you could just sense them and almost see them too... there was also some question as to what shape the wood would be like inside... because of so much growth, could it be rotton all the way through?... Rick didn't think so... we then moved on down the trail to go view a couple others that they knew about...
our group headed on down the trail and we were shown a couple more fallen ones... where they seemed to be in similar state... where it looked as though they had been on the ground for what seemed maybe the same time period as the first one we were shown...
on our right, i could see we were coming up to a very large cedar... i could sense as we came closer, that we moved through and into it's luminous aura-body - a sweet, friendly place... i was moved to stop and say hello... this living ancient tree held such presence that i was moved to just stand still in front of her - quite in-awe... Rick stepped off the trail wanting to show me just how big in diameter this tree really was.. with a huge smile, he wrapped his arms around the rough trunk as far as he could, pointing out that he could hardly even cover a quarter of it... he figured that it must of been at least 300 years old... we both wondered what and how much this tree had seen and heard over the many, many years it stood strong in this verdant place...
during that afternoon i went back to this tree a few times to just be with her... i left some tobacco and sage there as well, to just say thank you for the opportunity to meet and be in it's presence... no words or messages were exchanged as it didn't seem to be needed... each time we shared a silent "unspoken" knowingness that didn't need words i guess... hard to explain... all i know is that this special tree was very old, very ancient and very wise... and something about being together sharing and connecting "heart-to-heart in the moment" was what seemed important... or significant... no surprize huh?...
this beautiful teacher-tree helped me to re-member, reinforming me in another deep way that the drum truly is the "voice" of our earth mother's blessed dear heart... i wanted to gather everyone 'round so they could also share the moment i had shared with this sacred being, but it seemed the group was now splitting up and heading off down to the Wallin's cabin for lunch and a much-needed break... i decided to let it go and head off with them... it was already clear many times over that this day... and this journey had taken on it's own agenda... on it's own sweet... "spirit-time"...
to be continued...
with much love and light,
weaver (((o)))