dearest ayllu…
...the morning before yesterday i was abruptly awakened by three loud cries of flicker... hearing her made me realize that i hadn't heard her for quite sometime... i was glad to hear of her return to our little wooded backyard...
this past week I’ve been preparing for our upcoming weekend at the beginning of September (5, 6, & 7) when we gather together to complete a vision of creating and dreaming into being a sacred ayllu (community) drum, windwalker…
it was today… I made some arrangements of securing a buffalo hide that will soon become the “voice” of our sacred ayllu drum… it was always known from windwalker herself that the sacred buffalo was to be her hide of choice... i sense that those of us who have been a part of this project from the beginning have felt that as well…
and so… I’ve been meditating and doing some research on the medicine and energy of the meanings and traditions of buffalo… and wanted to share with all of you, some of what i’ve found…
buffalo acts for the greatest good of all… on behalf for the whole... the ayllu-community… buffalo freely gives her body… a gift of her precious hide has been gifted to us all.. so that we may share and experience the gift of our blessed earth mother’s heart beat - her voice… an opportunity for all of us to heal together as one heart...
in the Lakota tradition it was the white buffalo calf woman who brought the sacred pipe to the people and taught them how to pray... the bowl of the pipe was the receptacle that held tobacco, a herb that carries both male and female medicine and energy... the stem of the pipe represents the male energy entering the female and seeding life… in the coming together of male and female, the connection to the divine energy of great spirit was made. as the pipe was loaded with tobacco, every family in nature was asked to enter into the pipe and share it’s medicine as prayer and praise to the heavens... the smoke was considered to be visual prayer – to witness our prayers rise to the creator in a very sacred and cleansing way…
... more about the full story of "White Buffalo Calf Woman
Brings The First Pipe" as told by... John Fire Lame Deer, in 1967, click here >>
all animals are sacred, but in many traditions white buffalo is known to be one of the most sacred… The appearance of white buffalo is a sign that prayers are being heard…that the sacred pipe is being honoured and that the promises of prophesy are being fulfilled... white buffalo signals a time of abundance and plenty…
buffalo humbly asks us to take some time to connect with our blessed earth mother... can we and do we ever allow our own inner rhythms to attune to that of dear pachamama’s clear heart? how do we make that daily time and commitment we made to the ancestors of the north to just “be” and connect with our mother – our true mother… or to just stop and be still... to listen to our own inner guidance and our own “knowingness” – even for a moment… to listen to the stillness within?
buffalo teaches us to take responsibility for our own well being – it is only then that we can and will be able to give freely to others...
one of the very known and very sacred teachings of buffalo is about prosperity and abundance... and that begins with gratitude... to be thankful for that which feeds, nourishes and sustains us... When we are grateful for what we have, we can truly “see” the abundance that has already been provided for us and is always there… sharing this abundance keeps the circle turning. we are always being provided for…. One way that helps to recognize abundance in our lives, is to keep a gratitude journal – by listing those things that we are grateful for including all the gifts (even those ever so tiny) that have been given each and every day… only then does that mindset of gratitude attract that of the same... the sacred circle of gratitude and fullness will grow...
…buffalo makes the journey to spirit world with ease… gifting her physical body which has long been a great nourishment for all indigenous peoples… her sacred sacrifice enables others to continue their lives….
buffalo asks us to look deep within our hearts to see if there is something we too could give away expecting nothing in return…
buffalo shows how to have the courage and strength to continue on our path with heart and with ayni - right relationship… to remain grounded with our feet firm.… to provide abundantly for others and ourselves… to also connect and commune with dear pachamama… to give selflessly from our hearts with pure intent including the meaning of what sacrifice is and the sacredness of the circle of ALL life…
it’s also interesting to note that buffalo holds the energy of earth and water… two elements that will be sooo available to us when we gather to complete windwalker… the sacred drum connects us strongly heart-to-heart with pachamama... and her hides gifted from buffalo will be soaked in shuswap lake communing with the dear deva who resides there protecting the sacred waters…
it seems we will be working with all the elements when we gather in early september… windwalker herself comes from the wind and was gifted to us when the grand storms of wyda blew her down to rest… who then patiently awaited her life’s purpose to be fulfilled… sourcing from dear pachamama's gift of the mighty apu mountain spirits' strong love, patience and courage for all of us mindfully walking this medicine path... to re-member... a deep love for each other and all of earth's children and her beings of light…
i have no doubt that this dear drum is truly guiding us... helping us to walk softly on mother earth and honour her with our own gifts that we will again surrender to the sacred fire... the fire that reflects the light of the star nations, grandmother moon and father sun… to honour her… to connect with her – heart-to-heart… singing our songs along with windwalker and buffalo who have freely given to us, who will offer her strong voice... to dream a dream where we may together choose to heal as ayllu… as community and walk as one in spirit with great spirit, the un-nameable "one"... in peace…
hi-yi-yah... i can't wait to hear your voice!
i sooo look forward to being with you all very soon...
with much light and love… weaver (((o)))
To understand Mystery,
Observe mind.
Stilling fear, mind moves clear.
Sing a song of equanimity
Awake with serenity.
Affirm your voice
And choice.
Magnetize a potent dream:
World alight,
illumined peace.
-- Dhyani Ywahoo