dearest ayllu...
a dream...
to drum with our earth mother...
to connect...
be in harmony
is all we seek...
calm balance...
fresh clarity...
to seek resonance, tone, timbre, pulse...
linking up
to be one, once again...
return to source in unity
together with our blessed earth mother...
she seeks us by always
helping us remember...
being there, a constant...
offering support and nurturance...
let's offer our love and hope
with clear, whole, sound...
re-connect with her deep heart-pulse...
her rhythm so constant
so strong...
rhythm gives us intent...
she keeps us going
melody is like thought...
be of like mind
harmony is emotion...
begin by giving back...
as one people
one heart, one song
side by side harmonizing...
with our body...
around her body
at one moment...
1994 weaver
with much light and love...
weaver (((o)))