part one...
WOW! ...is an only word i can start with as i open this next post... last weekend (a sacred drum safari - as Pamela so wonderfuly named it) was quite a "whirlwind" trip to say the least...(no pun intended really!)... so much happened in such a short time, that it's hard to put the weekend into words... so, i thank you Ann very much for getting this journeling of the incredible three days we shared together, started...
in the wee hours last friday morning... our arms full with as least amount of stuff as possible, plus, not forgetting our mesas and a certain white wolf drum (and at the last minute, grabbing my guitar and some tobacco), we ventured out to catch a first ferry to begin our journey to Read Island off the coast of Vancouver Island...
after much travel driving, riding on ferries and boats most of the day, plus an unexpected quick-how-to-let's-do-this-together-NOW! lesson in how to land a beautiful white boat at a very-tight spaced dock in persistent gusty trying winds and swirling current... eight of us finally gathered together on the peeling red-trimmed government dock at wild Read, our destination... i have to admit now that i got another sense to the meaning of the word "calm" ... and whether i could ever connect to that sense again, i'm not sure... but what i do know innately, is that the only way we could of completed that immediate-task with all chaotic variables involved, was, "together"...
and in one word... that was the weekend... "together"...
early that evening with the diamond-bright sunshine warming our weary souls, we shared some tasty dinner and fun kinship... sitting up high on the fly-bridge we watched eagles off hovering high in the distance and about a half dozen swallows circling all around us as if to open space - then to retire and take roost in the nearby boat-house on the dock... that also offered free books for reading material if at all needed... but not this trip...
and as father sun began his descent into the far west, we were guided to witness an awed-quietude at the island's edge just up from the shore... where a oneness of sorts... or allness.. a listening happened in that moment... together we heard the swaying-welcome of the standing people, the tall trees proudly holding safe guard as they sang in partnership with wyda the wind gently sharing her songs... and their singing was oh, so beautiful... we could almost feel as though together, the trees and wind were definitely saying hello... and saying "yes" to something... and we were definitely being acknowledged... and i think within that moment we all took a big breath maybe together, maybe not... tho' i think each of us knowing deeply in our hearts that we had heard and responded to a certain call and... with our own imbedded excitements anticipated and wondered what the next day would or could bring...
and i remembered that the breath and the wind was and is... the first drummer...
and... to borrow a line from dear Valerie... "holy cow batman!"
to be continued.... i'll post more soon...
with much light and love,
weaver (((o)))