dearest ayllu...
"I hear a drum in my soul's ear
coming from the depths of the stars!"
...Jelaluddin Rumi
Good News!
...Windwalker has awakened from her deep winter sleep and calls us...
Our Ayllu Sacred Drum Project Gathering...
September (4) 5, 6, & 7, 2008
@ Sorrento Centre...
• The time has come to gather together as ayllu to fulfill the dreaming-creation of our sacred community drum, windwalker...
• We welcome those who wish to assist us in this project in all aspects... come help pull hides... to build a drum stand... to create mallets with the tree people... to sew a cloth honouring cover... or come hold space with your prayers, despacho, drumming, singing, your voice... and whatever else might need doing... we welcome everyone...
• this event can only happen with you... with ayllu... windwalker calls us to gather... as one...
• Tentative Schedule... subject to change as spirit directs... please check here with this blog site for updates to this schedule/updates...
• Two Hides will go into Shuswap Lake... for soaking early in the day on Thursday, Sept. 4th and we welcome all to come join us in an opening "letting-go" water ceremony to acknowledge and honour the "Deva of the Lake" that evening at 7:30 pm lakeside at the Morris residence... remainder of the weekend will continue at Sorrento Centre...
• Friday starting at 9 am... we begin with a stone people ceremony... and then we will spend the day in sacred space completing the drum - this process will continue on through to the next day on Saturday until we finish... We will hold a sacred fire/despacho ceremony Saturday evening while the drum's new hides continue to dry and process...
• Sunday morning air & breath ceremony... together, with one-voice, we will welcome and dedicate our new community drum by celebrating in devotional chant, song, singing and drumming together in mesa-mestay... and we will end our gathering with a feast/lunch...
• What to bring... your mesa... your prayers, talents, tools, drums, instruments, a crystal or amythyst, or lake stone to represent your-self and your prayers which will be embedded ceremonially into the inside windwalker's belly/frame.
• Facilitated by... *ayllu members... this weekend is an ayllu-spirit event... please join us in community... as one...
*Please contact weaver at... stardrum@yahoo.com if you're interested in helping facilitate any part of this event...
i.e... leader(s) for... mallet buiding... drum stand... honouring cover... crystal/stone gathering... despacho/fire ceremony... video/photographers/artists... musicians... dancers... etc... this weekend is our ayllu's dreaming...
• Information/updates... about the journey and dreaming of this sacred drum is being journalled here at... www.drum4mum.blogspot.com
• To register for this saced event... please contact Michelle Morris...
by email at... trackersoflight@yahoo.ca
...suggested sliding scale - pay what you can... $35 - $80 to cover costs of the room at Sorrento and some material expenses - we will not turn anyone away because of money... please join us...
• Meals/Accomodation available for additional cost at Sorrento Centre...
Please contact Sorrento Centre directly (asap) to arrange your needs...
...the cut-off date for booking both with Sorrento Centre is Friday, August 29th!
• Phone: 250-675-2421 • Toll Free: 1-866-694-2409
• Email... info@sorrento-centre.bc.ca • www.sorrento-centre.bc.ca
@ Sorrento Centre
with much light and love...
and hope to see you all there... weaver (((o)))
Note... above photo was recently taken at the last Dialogues weekend in Sorrento - where windwalker joined us... and was honoured as our central altar... and held space for all of us... it was truly a beautiful experience sharing sacred space with her all weekend... photo taken by Rick Ellis (c) 2008