dearest ayllu...
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Shiva's Drum - the Damaru |
there's much to learn from his story and myth of his "dance of creation" that i won't go into totally here but... if you wanted to learn more... just do a search on "Shiva" (as a keyword) on the internet and hoards of info and his story will pop up...
for a number of years, i've been chanting a particular chant to Shiva...
Om Namaha Shivaya!
(pronounced... OM NAH-MAH-HA SHEE-VAH-YAH) ...a mantra that i first learned when i became aware of a luminous teacher that showed up for me called Babaji... (some writings claim that Babaji is actually Shiva)... when he was in human form and resided on this earth, he taught that this mantra was "the mantra of all mantras"... "the most powerful"... and an eternal name for God... he taught us to chant this mantra every day... he also said it to be the first words uttered by the Creative Source... the oldest mantra... it can be translated as "i bow to and surrender to... take refuge in Shiva"... Lord Shiva is known as the Doer of Good, and the mantra is also interpreted to mean, "i bow to whatever Good is happening and to Whomsoever is doing it.
and another translation of this sanskrit mantra is... "Om and salutations... May the elements of this creation abide in me in full manifestation."
We celebrate the dance of energy that is creation! Shiva is the personification of consciousness. Shiva does everything... he is the creator, sustainer and destroyer.
I find it interesting and intriguing that some of the symbology of Shiva coincides with some of the Inca cosmology ... in one hand he holds a trident (symbol of the three worlds) and the other hand, the damaru, a small drum with two sides separated from each other by a thin neck-like structure that symbolizes the two utterly dissimilar states of existence, the unmanifest and manifest...
also...the damaru, the hourglass-shaped drum... is known as the "monkey drum"... and considered to be one of the most powerful drums of all... according to Hindu mythology, it is through this drum that the universe was created, and through it the universe will be destroyed and renewed again in the endless cycles (rhythms) of time.... to me, this "sounds" very much like the Inca "pachakuti" 500-year time cycles (pachas) that turn over and over... maybe?... what do you think?...
and to note... according to Q'ero prophecy... we're experiencing and a part of a pachakuti turning over right at this time and moment...
the sounding of Shiva's drum produced the first sound (nada, the source of creation) in the void of nothingness; its pulse setting up a rhythm to which Shiva began his dance of creation - From his drum and his dance, the world came into being... way cool huh?...
Sooo... just interesting to note that in this story... creation began because of the "sounding" of a simple two-sided drum...
and we are about to embark on building and create together a simple two-sided drum...
and so... i think about the healing of our blessed sweet earth mother and us?... and how lucky we are that we have access to the gift of the drum...
Om Namaha Shivaya!
with much light and love...
weaver (((o)))
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