Continued... part two...
the next morning... after spending a good chunk of the night hearing mama cocha (mother ocean) knock relentlessly on the boat walls, we arose to another gorgeous, sunny day... the day was July 7, 2007... or 7/7/7... i couldn't help but notice the interesting date... and what the heck was all that "knocking" about anyway? - geeesh!
after breakfast, we hung around the boat and dock doing this and that while waiting for Ann and Rick to meet us... i spent a bit of time near the water making some prayers and offerings of tobacco and white sage to say thank you for this place and acknowledge the reason why we had come... and ask for help and assistance... for we had come to ask the tree people if one would like to be-come a sacred community drum... to be of service to our blessed earth mother and our ayllu...
Valerie called us over as she had discovered some striking sea flowers and then some jellyfish that looked like irredescent spacecraft hovering near the surface of the water.... then an 8-armed sea star appeared... it was something i had never seen before and quite stunning... it was bright red in colour and very beautiful with the way it moved so gracefully without effort through the water... we watched in awe as it slowly sauntered over to the edge of the dock and fed on some seaweed that was hanging on to the edge for dear life and then it was gone... noticing it's pulsing roundness i couldn't help but think of the drum while watching it drift on...
hmmmnnn... 8 arms... there's 8 of us... ?
when Rick and Ann arrived... we slowely gathered together and headed off for the hike into their property to begin our day of why we came to this wonderful wild place of sea and forest... a little ways in on the trail a large guardian stone on my right made it's presence known and so i walked over to say hello... i quickly asked permission to connect and laid my hands on it's thick mossed surface and got quiet... i humbly asked for a blessing to proceed on our way and the message i received was "welcome" and "we thank you"...
by now i could tell it was probably high noon as i was feeling a heavy heat from the sun right over me - and quite glad i had brought a hat... we walked a medicine walk together single file for quite some time... navigating and winding through and over blackberry bushes,long grasses and sometimes poison oak that Ann warned us about...
i wondered if we were maybe getting close when the sound of the white wolf drum was requested to lead us on with Valerie volunteering... i was personally feeling that our walk seemed to be going on longer than i thought it was supposed to be... probably feeling my fatigue of not having much sleep the past 2 nights... i guess i heard wrong... a few of us were lagging behind the group and once in awhile the rest that were ahead would stop and wait for us... which i humbly appreciated... i welcomed the warm long sounds of the drum announcing our presence, offering us help along the way... ahead i heard someone ask if we were almost there, when they were told "we were about half way"... "but it would get easier as the trail would now go down hill some..."
half way?... wow... okay... keep going...
thinking... and thankful i chose to wear long pants 'cause of much thick grassy brush and prickles all over the place... i'm really liking being in the woods for a change... it's been awhile... too long i'm realizing... i'm loving the smell of so much green life all around, below and above me and the lushness even though it's hot... i'm thankful for the tall evergreens that tower over us and the soft moss on the trees, stones and the ground... off in the distance i'm sure is a huge black shiny raven echoing an announcement of some sort... i wondered to whom?
finally, about 20-30 minutes later... Ann stops and the drumming stops and she softly mentions while pointing left to a large fallen tree just off the trail that looked like it had been lying on the ground for quite some time... so long so it looked like maybe faeries and little folk had moved in...
to be continued...
with light and love, weaver (((o)))
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