When 8000 sacred drums sound together,
an intense healing of Mother Earth will commence."
- 500 year-old Otomi Prophecy
mother i feel you under my feet... mother i feel your heartbeat...
...just recieved the below email tonight...
"sounds" like the Otomi in Mexico are again calling all or as many of earth's children to be in ceremony to sound 8,000 drums together at one time to assist and help our blessed earth mother............ may we "hear" their call and gather together....
and the drums are awakening with the coming of Spring............
what's interesting is that the day they are doing this Ceremony is the Spring Equinox and oddly enough i've already organized the quarterly Sacred Drum Circle and Full Moon Ceremony that same day - that night here in Vancouver...!
i believe we are hooking in and hearing our blessed mother's call... let us gather together as one heart - as many as we can... to fulfill this prophecy!!! Ho!
here's how the email read:
"Hi. I was contacted by my friend Gilles Novaks who is a Montagnais Indian from Montreal. He is a Medicine Man and a Healer. He asked me to get as many Tribal people to participate in a worldwide ceremony called the "8,000 Drums". He was contacted by two Huron Clan Grandmothers from up there in Canada and they asked him to help spread the word to all Indians everwhere. It will take place on March 21, 2008 at 12:00 noon MEXICO TIME!! I haven't figured out the time tables yet. Maybe you can. (i beieve they are central time and we are pacific with 2 hours difference- which would put us at 10 a.m. - can someone clarify that please!)
All you need to do is play a drum either alone, or with a group or have the whole Tribe participate. The purpose is to fulfill the OTOMI PROPHECY. The Otomi's are Mayan Olmec and Toltec descendants. The drums will be played so that the Creator will hear us and grant our wishes as we pray for help in the Healing Process of our Mother Earth. The other races of people are destroying Her and our Mother Earth needs our prayers. Thank you. Ewo-wox-co-dah-wa...."
dearest brother and sisters.... let us organize ourselves quickly to gather during this time at the Equinox...
- the time is now... please pass this note on to as many people as you can......
with much light and love, weaver (((o))
More info on the Otomi Gathering here at...
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