when i went to pick up the buffalo hides for this sacred project, i found out that the buffalo hides were not going to be large enough for one side of the drum... it just wasn't going to fit as it's almost 36 inches in diameter... and so, a beautiful moose hide stepped up and couldn't wait to be a part... and so... our dear drum will have one buffalo and one moose hide to become her voice...
here's a little info about the energy of moose for you all...
it's interesting to note that moose holds the energy of self-esteem....
The moose is one of the most ancient and unique of the power totems. The adult male can stand 7 feet tall and weigh 1200 pounds. Male moose bellow loudly during mating and can be heard over 6 miles away. When they hear a moose cow answer they run to her prepared to battle anything in their path. The moose is courageous and determined and will make its presence known when it chooses to.
On the other hand, the moose has an uncanny ability to camouflage itself, in spite of its great size and power. It can move silently through its territory and never be seen. These contradictions help it survive in the wild. It holds the teachings of invisibility and the power of presence. Shapeshifing abilities are tied to mythology and incorporate the teachings of shamanism and magic. For those with this totem the refinement of these skills is enhanced through these studies.
When you see a moose in the wild the energy it embodies is awesome. The massive antlers that crown its head grow larger then any other antlered animal. Ancient myth refers to these antlers as "The Crown of Courage." These antennae are linked to the crown chakra in man. As the antlers grow the crown chakra opens and expands giving those with this medicine a direct channel to universal knowledge.
Contradicting and majestic the moose can appear awkward as well as graceful. Its highly developed sense of smell and hearing is complimented by its excellent depth perception. Its appearance of ungainliness is misleading and deceptive and it is this deception, which enables it to survive so well.
Moose calves are born with their eyes open. Individuals who carry this medicine are born with their inner eyes already open and can see things with exceptional clarity. Psychic awakenings later in life are uncommon. The moment of birth is the moment of awakening for moose medicine people. The most difficult lessons in life are during their childhood. Their courage coupled with their direct connection to universal knowledge gives them the tools necessary to strengthen their self esteem and discover their place in society. A powerful totem to have moose will uncover the depth of who you are and align you with your inherent wisdom.
hi yi yaaah to all... no accidents eh?...
bright blessings... weaver x (((o)))
bright blessings... weaver x (((o)))
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